
Obituaries » Tiffany Anne Bicknase

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Tiffany Anne Bicknase

March 5, 1993 - January 10, 2021

Obituary Viewed 4250 times

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Tiffany Anne Bicknase was born on March 5, 1993 and was relieved of her earthly suffering on January 10, 2021. Forever 27.

Tiff was born and raised throughout Lake County IL where she lived in many towns: Lake Zurich, Ingleside, Streamwood, Island Lake and Wauconda. When she opened up, her vibrant and bubbly personality created strong bonds with friends from McHenry county and all the way to Chicago. During her younger years, she devoted her time to Girl Scouts, soccer, dance, and her favorite: gymnastics. In school, Tiffany was shy which seemed to hold her down from succeeding. Nonetheless, she was very smart and very dedicated to every job she had, advancing to management training and beyond. She was a unique, free spirit, and her love and kindness ran deep. Tiff’s passion for animals (so many pets: our dog Tinkerbell, her dragon Bowser, a snake, the parrot she begged for – thank goodness we never had the space for a goat!) and love for children attested to her huge heart. When Tiffany became a mother, there was no one person she thought of more than her son, Noah. Still a young adult, she made choices in life that put her in the grasp of addiction, and thus began her crippling mental and physical battle to regain the relationships and the life she once had. Through her years of struggle, Tiffany frequently kept in touch with the people closest to her as she tried to stay up to date on family milestones, cherishing the photos of her growing boy. No one could have been harder on her than she was on herself. Her guilt and sadness perpetuated the grip that addiction had on her beautiful soul. Our hearts will forever feel the loss and emptiness of her absence. If you or anyone you know needs help with substance use disorder please reach out to Live4Lali at 844-584-5254 or

Tiffany is survived by her son, Noah Ortiz; her parents, Cynthia Bicknase and Matt Bicknase; her 3 brothers, Brandon (Jolean), Dustin, and Jacob Bicknase; her paternal grandfather, Wayne Bicknase; her uncle, David (Julie) Kozlik; her aunt, Victoria Bicknase; her nephews, Chase Bicknase and Roman Bicknase; her beloved cousin, Marissa Walovitch (Adam); and many other aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Tiffany is predeceased by her uncle, Eric Kozlik, aunt Debbi Rodak; her maternal grandparents, Linda Kozlik and Ron Kozlik and paternal grandmother, Nancy Blomgren.

Please join us for a celebration of Tiffany’s life on Saturday February 13, 2021 at Northern Illinois Funeral Service 31632 N. Ellis Dr UNIT 209 Volo, IL 60073 (due to COVID restrictions, 25 friends and family can interchange visiting at a time) 12pm-3pm with a brief eulogy at 3pm.