
Obituaries » Thyra A. Foster

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Thyra A. Foster

November 22, 1950 - November 19, 2019

Obituary Viewed 1130 times

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Thyra Ann Foster, 69 of Arlington Heights, Illinois began her earth walk on November 19, 1950 and she took her flight into eternity on November 20, 2019. Thyra felt that her most important life accomplishment was in accepting the love, grace, mercy, and salvation of Jesus/Yahushua Ha Mashiach and this was done at a very early age. Her life was marked with the love, care, and compassion of her God. Thyra was disabled at an early age and lived in a community with many who were much older, she was the baby. Many of her friends have preceded her in death and she spent time calming their fears and ensuring them of the love of God and that they didn’t need to fear leaving the earth. She often wondered and questioned her purpose in life not fully understanding the magnitude of it and that she was fulfilling it.

Thyra’s legacy is her two beautiful daughters, Tanya Ann Foster-DeMers and Tara Ann Foster who will continue to honor her love and life. Despite many struggles, illness, and suffering Thyra managed to touch the world and leave a distinct mark in the earth. Her love and adoration for her family and friends will forever remain. We celebrate and rejoice with our belief that Thyra Ann Foster is absent from the body and present with the lord. We envision her laid down in lush green pastures with the many friends and family who were awaiting her arrival.