
Obituaries » Sharon L. Miller (nee Black)

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Sharon L. Miller (nee Black)

September 7, 1933 - October 27, 2021

Obituary Viewed 541 times

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Sharon Miller 88, passed away into the gates of heaven and is now with the Lord, having lost her brave battle with Louis Body Dementia on October 27, 2021. Although, severely challenged both physically and mentally, and no longer able to speak, Sharon always had a smile that spoke volumes to friends and family who visited her in the memory care facility. The twinkle in her eyes told health care providers, nurses and hospice workers how much she appreciated what they did to comfort her. Sharon will forever be remembered with great love by her family, her late husband Robert, her four children; Susan (Alan deceased), Deanna (Dennis), and Scott (Brenda), as well as 6 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren. Sharon and Robert’s love for each other was one for the ages. “To death do us part” were more than just words.

Although Robert remained strong and independent for many years following Sharon’s admittance to assisted living, he insisted his place was by his wife’s side. He spoke often about how he would be there for her until the end of his days. Proving more than just words, he sold his home in West Chicago, and chose to remain by his beloved Sharon’s side, to always be with her and do whatever he could to bring her peace, security and comfort. Robert passed away next to his beloved Sharon on August 20, 2021. They now share their love, together for all eternity.