
Obituaries » Scott C. Maddocks

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Scott C. Maddocks

May 5, 1974 - October 26, 2021

Obituary Viewed 907 times

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It is with broken hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved son, brother, and uncle. Scott died peacefully on October 26, 2021 after a brief battle with cancer.

Scott was born on May 5, 1974 to Jane (Latimer) and Christopher Maddocks on a beautiful Sunday morning with the sound of church bells ringing.

Scott was a kind, loving human being with a beautiful soul . He was quick witted with a dry sense of humor which kept us all laughing. He struggled with severe seizure disorder all of his life. For a time Scott had a wonderful dog Akira, that would alert Scott when a seizure was imminent and stay with him during the seizure. When Scott was able to work, he was employed by Chileda Residential Treatment Facility which cared for young children with multiple disabilities. He cherished his time caring for the little children.

Scott loved music especially Pink Floyd. He was a voracious reader and enjoyed learning about other cultures and religions. His favorite was Dostoevsky, the author of his favorite book ”The Idiot”. The plot revolves around a young man that struggles with severe epileptic condition as Scott did. This book held special meaning for Scott as he could relate to this character and it provided comfort to share the author’s insight. Scott was very proud of his Irish heritage and was excited to visit Ireland and enjoy a Guinness of two.

Scott was preceded in death by his grandparents, Bernice and Murray Latimer and Robert and Betty Maddocks. Uncles Mike Weigel and Ron Lokken along with baby Andy. Scott is survived bt his mother Jane, his father Chris, his brother Dan, his nephew Merek as well as many aunts and uncles and cousins.

A private memorial service will be held Saturday, October 30, at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Lake Villa, Illinois. Father Gerald Walsh and deacon Mark Weiss will officiate.

A very heartfelt thank you to all the Suncrest Hospice staff, especially Sandy and Davina. You are truly angels on earth!

In lieu of flowers, Scott would be pleased with donations to Chileda. The address is 1825 Victory Street, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 56401.

We are all better people for having Scott in our lives. We will miss him every second of every day. Life can be so hard and challenging. As Scott would say, ”I little kindness goes a long way”