
Obituaries » Sally L. Stallard

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Sally L. Stallard

April 21, 1944 - October 27, 2020

Obituary Viewed 1082 times

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Sally L. Stallard, 76, passed away in her home on October 27, 2020 surrounded by her loving family.
Sally was born in Portland, Oregon, on April 21, 1944, to Leonard and Theodora (Tarbell) Buckler. She grew up in Portland through her high school years, and attended college in Evanston, Illinois, at both Kendall College and National Teachers College (now National-Louis University), earning her degree in Elementary Education. She settled in Deerfield, Illinois for a time before moving to Woodstock, Illinois.

Sally was a volunteer with the Mental Health Resource League of McHenry County, and worked in the PTO and Market Day committee at the schools attended by her children. She was an avid gardener and kept a huge vegetable garden, where she loved to spend summer days.

Sally worked at Laura and Wally Grigg’s bookstore in Woodstock, Illinois, which later became Books on the Square. She loved her job and found great joy in reading. When Books on the Square closed in 1999, she went to work as the office manager at Carey Electric in McHenry, where she worked until her retirement in 2015.

She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Elizabeth (Stallard) and Shane Rank and grandchildren Hayden and Noah, all of whom she lived with in Crystal Lake, Illinois; her sisters Beatrice Borland of Cary, Illinois and Patricia Nielsen of Anthem, Arizona; and son Greg (Amberly), and their two children.

Due to the Covid pandemic, the family has chosen to safely remember Sally with a website in her honor, where friends and family can visit and leave remembrances. The website will be made by

Sally’s beloved family will also be holding a small private outdoor memorial and dedication ceremony at their home in the Spring. Sally requested to be remembered there with fruit trees and a memorial garden.