
Obituaries » Perry Stambler

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Perry Stambler

November 2, 1953 - November 17, 2023

U.S. Veteran
Obituary Viewed 614 times

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It is sad to announce that Perry Stambler passed away on November 17, 2023.

Born in Brooklyn, NY to parents Fred and Marilyn.

Oldest of four children, and brother to Nancy, Al (wife Di), and Laurie (deceased).

Perry was married to Deborah for 37 years, they have two sons, Kyle and Brian.

Brian is married to Beth and they have two granddaughters, Belle and Alice.

Perry’s career included a long service with the United States Air Force, and he retired as a Major. After an honorable discharge from the USAF, Perry’s second career began in warehouse and distribution, and he managed million+ sq. ft distribution centers within the US. He then transitioned into becoming a SAP consultant, traveling throughout the US and globally, teaching teams, and developing innovative solutions within the distribution and supply chain industry.

His hobbies included history, nature, and he was a big advocate for rescuing animals and providing good, loving homes for them.

Perry also faced a few health obstacles in his life; the most recent one being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2019, and cancer in 2022.

In lieu of flowers, it would be greatly appreciated if a donation is made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s or choose your favorite animal rescue charity.