
Obituaries » Michael W. Johnson

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Michael W. Johnson

December 2, 2021 - July 20, 1948

Obituary Viewed 877 times

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Mike ‘Johnsonator’ Johnson grew up in Illinois, graduating from Paxton High School in 1966. He graduated from Southern Illinois University in 1977, with a degree in Psychology. He was also a member of the Illinois National Guard.

Mike worked as a machine operator for Wright Business Graphics in Kent, Wa, which landed him at Lake Tapps, where he made his home. He retired from Wright after 27 years and a couple of years after that, he and Alice relocated to Illinois to be close to family.

Mike enjoyed boating and loved to snow ski. Prior to his retirement, Mike purchased a BMW motorcycle as his “to me, from me” gift and it brought him many hours of joy.

Mike was a pleasant, easy-going guy with a heart of gold. He never knew a stranger and could start up a conversation with anyone at anytime over anything, and would talk your leg off, if you let him. Mike had a big heart and could be generous to a fault. He is missed.

Mike is survived by his wife, Alice (Schmid), stepson Gary (Amanda) Weller and two grandchildren, Maren and Jack. Mike also leaves behind his brother Tom (Deb) Johnson and sister Suzie (John) Bueker.

Mike was remembered during a small private service held by the immediate family.