
Obituaries » Mellysa Kaniok (nee Sherony)

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Mellysa Kaniok (nee Sherony)

November 23, 1976 - May 31, 2021

Obituary Viewed 8433 times

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Mellysa Sherony Kaniok, 44 — loving wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, entrepreneur, community leader, country music lover — entered eternal rest at her home in Grayslake, Illinois on May 31, 2021.

Mellysa was born on November 23, 1976 in Highland Park, Illinois to mother Pamela (Tim) McCluskey-McDermott of Phoenix, Arizona and father Rich (Terri) Sherony of Gulfport, Florida. In addition to her parents, Mellysa is survived by her husband Mike Kaniok, son Jack, daughter Cassie , and dog Daisy of Grayslake, Illinois; maternal grandmother Ila McCluskey of Grayslake, Illinois; sister Carly (Rob) Jastrzemski, nephews Joey and Andrew , nieces Nicole and Sarah of Grayslake, Illinois; mother and father-in-law Loretta and Les Kaniok of Spring Hill, Florida; sister and brother-in-law Stacy and Darrin Pratt of St. Petersburg, Florida; aunt and uncle Barbara and Steve Marianetti of Northbrook, Illinois; aunt Rhonda Schwartz of Grayslake, Illinois, aunt and uncle Cheryl and Bruce Sherony of Marquette, Michigan; aunt and uncle Monica and Don Sherony of Rochester, New York, and many more relatives and friends who cared about her deeply. Mellysa was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents Frank and Frances Sherony of Lake Bluff, Illinois, and her maternal grandfather Jack McCluskey of Grayslake, Illinois.

As a child, Mellysa was a big-picture thinker and had huge dreams. She was always passionate about helping others. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Mellysa became a Certified Public Accountant and was a successful business leader in finance and private equity at Arthur Andersen and Adams Street Partners before bringing Jack and Cassie into the world alongside Mike. While the kids were still young, Mellysa made an intentional career shift that allowed her more flexibility and brought her personal joy. She opened an online consignment shop that grew into a physical retail boutique in downtown Grayslake, Illinois, called Closet Traders, which led her to her true passion: working with and supporting other female-owned small-business owners. She created the “Visit Grayslake” movement, bringing a sense of community to the village, and empowered other local businesses to thrive to this day. Mellysa and Mike purchased Indian Lake Resort in Manistique, Michigan in 2018, with the dream of turning it into a destination friends and family could continue to visit for generations. Mellysa had fond memories of growing up visiting the “yellow cabins” with her sister and cousins. Mellysa was a connector, a visionary, and entrepreneur at heart. Her legacy not only lives on through her family and friends, but through her mission to help other people and watch them live their dreams.

In lieu of a funeral service, the family planted a memorial tree for Mellysa at their home in Grayslake, Illinois. The family plans to complete Mellysa’s vision at Indian Lake Resort this coming summer, which includes painting the Michigan cabins yellow once again. Donations in memory of Mellysa can be made to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.