
Obituaries » Margaret Lambrecht

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Margaret Lambrecht

April 10, 2020 - July 29, 0029

Obituary Viewed 386 times

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Margaret ‘Marge’ Lambrecht, age 90, died on Good Friday April 10, 2020 at home in the presence of her husband Ralph of 66 years. Marge was born on July 29,1929 to Mildred and Elmer Evans in Oshkosh, WI. She graduated from Oshkosh HS and Oshkosh Teachers College (now UW Oshkosh). She taught in Port Washington and married Ralph August 1, 1953.

They lived for 2 years in New Jersey and settled soon after in Waukegan IL, forming many lifelong friendships through church, bridge clubs and with neighbors. An engaging conversationalist, she enjoyed getting to know everyone she met and including them in her circle of friends.

Upon moving to Lake Bluff in 1968, she engaged whole-heartedly in family life, home-making, and cultivating beauty in her garden and home. Actively supporting the church through her organizational, crafting, and sewing skills she and Lola Townsend spun off their expertise into The Initial Choice in 1981 engaging many friends and the community in transforming it into a vital business. Always thoughtful with gifts, food and small bouquets from her garden, her warm-hearted generous spirit expressed itself at every turn. She loved living in Lake Bluff and traveling widely with her husband and reveled in every new experience along the way.

Even as she lost ground to advancing dementia she always found her natural expression in an easy laugh, biting wit and appreciation for the good in ‘being above ground’. The last 7 months have been particularly difficult as she declined further physically and mentally. We are particularly grateful for the kindness and support of Vanessa Proctor, her care-giver and Dr. Mark Riederman, her primary physician and friend. She will be greatly missed by family and many friends, always the one to light up a room.

Marge was preceded in death by her parents, brother, Bill Evans, sister-in-law El Evans, son Robert and grandson Joshua Mann. She is survived by her husband Ralph; 2 children, Sarah Lambrecht (Gerhard Barth) of Evanston, IL and Tom Lambrecht (Jamie) of Calgary Alberta and Whitefish, MT; 3 grandsons, Willie Barth of Chicago, Garrett Gilbert of Huntington Beach CA, and Ryan Lambrecht; 3 granddaughters, Kayla Waters (Tyler) of Billings, Drisana Barth of Chicago, and Grace Lambrecht; 2 great-grand daughters Kiev Lambrecht and Emmori Waters, and 1 great grandson Rhett Waters, and 2 nieces Cathy Evans and Carol Shepard (Tom) and nephew Bill Evans (Debbie Gardner).