
Obituaries » Lillian Helen Garrity (nee Wisniewski)

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Lillian Helen Garrity (nee Wisniewski)

August 12, 1933 - April 15, 2023

Obituary Viewed 626 times

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Lillian Helen Garrity, 89 of Vernon Hills passed away peacefully in her home on April 15, 2023. She was comforted and supported by family and many dear friends in the weeks leading up to her passing.

Lil was preceded in death by her devoted husband, John Garrity, and beloved sister Delphine Charland. She was a proud and loving mother to her five children: Deborah Garrity, Michael (Kathryn) Garrity, Suzanne (Wayne) Kagebein, Thomas (Judith) Garrity, and Lisa Garrity. She was blessed with seven grandchildren: Nikole, Connor, Alec, Colin, Philip, Ethan, and TJ, and one great grandchild, Gunnar.

Born August 12, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, Lil met John Garrity near the pencil sharpener at Brander Smith & Company, where they both worked. They married in 1954 and lived in the city for a time, but as their family grew, they moved to the suburb of Morton Grove to raise their children. She was an exceptional homemaker, an accomplished seamstress, and an avid reader. She enjoyed baking, gardening, and spending time with her children and grandkids. Outside of her home, she held various sales and administrative positions at Scandinavian Design, JCPenney, G. D. Searle and NutraSweet Co. Some of her fondest memories included, traveling with family and friends to such destinations as Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina, Europe and the Caribbean. She will be missed for her outstanding meals and heartfelt generosity.

Visitation will be from 9:30am – 10:30 am with a 10:30 am mass on the Saturday, April 22, 2023 at St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church, 236 US Highway 45, Indian Creek, Illinois 60061.

Lillian very much enjoyed the companionship and bingo games that she experienced at the Vernon Hills Senior Center. The May 16, 2023 bingo games will be hosted in her honor.

A private family gathering will immediately follow the mass.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made at her name to the American Cancer Society.