
Obituaries » Kelly Patricia Swanson (nee Gibson)

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Kelly Patricia Swanson (nee Gibson)

June 4, 1962 - December 15, 2023

Obituary Viewed 515 times

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Kelly Patricia Gibson Swanson

June 4, 1962 – December 15, 2023

 “Fate whispers to the warrior: ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’  And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’”

Hurricane Kelly. A Category 5 storm.  A storm that raged against cancer for the past five-plus years, while she still managed to fit in several adventures, trips, family gatherings, horseback rides, e-bike rides, dog grooming, Purple Plunges, sister dinners, general hilarity and “seizing the day” in her non-chemo weeks/months.

This beautiful woman, wife, mother, sister, aunt, and friend did not exactly “go peacefully.”  She fought with all her Gibson strength and will to stay in this life with those she loved so fiercely.  We can all learn so much from the life Kelly lived, and the way she loved and treated her family and friends.  But in the end she did pass gently from this life, in the compassionate care of JourneyCare Hospice in Barrington, with her beloved family and sisters by her side.

Kelly is survived by Nils Swanson, her loving husband of 32+ years, her daughter Billie and son Wylie, as well as her siblings Mark Gibson, Kim (Paul) Rampenthal, Kandis (Rory Baracani) Cane, and Jenny (Scott) Leech.  In addition, there are numerous dear relatives and friends who will all miss her deeply. Kelly was also founder and owner of Woof City Pet Grooming in Wonder Lake for over 30 years, a business she loved, with customers (canine and human) who meant so much to her.

She was predeceased by her dad Billie Gibson in 1968, and her mom Patti Gibson in 2021. Now Kelly is back in their loving arms, strolling together in the pine woods behind Vets Acres, likely with some favorite dogs around or even a horse or two.  She is at peace.

A memorial gathering will be held the afternoon of Sunday, February 18 at the Rotary Building at Veteran Acres Park in Crystal Lake (Kel’s favorite park ever, with tons of memories) for family and friends to honor and celebrate Kelly’s amazing full life.  Laughter, music, anecdotes, pizza, and popsicles will surely be involved. Details forthcoming.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Main Stay Therapeutic Farm in Richmond, IL, where Kelly volunteered in recent years, helping people with physical, developmental, emotional, and social challenges to experience horseback riding.  Donate at or at .