
Obituaries » Karen Kristine Anderson (nee Gilbert)

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Karen Kristine Anderson (nee Gilbert)

February 6, 1954 - June 10, 2023

Obituary Viewed 397 times

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Karen Kristine Anderson passed away on Saturday, June 10th at 3:40AM. She had struggled for years with Diabetes, NPH, and ESRD and was finally taken by Autoimmune Encephalitis. She was only 69 and lived a full life.

Karen was born in Aberdeen, South Dakota by Catherine and James, both of whom have passed.

After graduating from Wheeling HS in 1972, she went on to study computer sciences and language but never received her degree. Karen used her creative skills to become a cosmetologist but never really did more than help friends and family with haircuts because she started at the United States Post office, where she spent 35 years and after becoming a letter carrier. Became a supervisor, was an OIC in Cary Fox River Grove office and finally settled in the Libertyville Post Office.

On September 4th, 1983, she was wed to Michael Anderson and in 1987 had a son named Travis James Anderson. Karen went out of her way to be the most caring mother ever and loved fully her son Travis! She was a fantastic and truly nurturing mother that always had loving things to say to Travis and supported him 100%!

Karen was an accomplished crafter to the point where she and her husband would show their work and developed a business from it. Karen’s heart always went out to others that had needs or were just down on their luck. Between the kids that lived in their house when they had nowhere to go to a 40-year-old woman that was close to being homeless and opened her home to her for 7 months! She was always quick to teach anyone the craft of the day and patiently worked with others to help them realize that they could do it also!

Family was the most important thing in Karen’s life next to her Savior Jesus Christ and she was the epitome of a “mama bear”. Karen came from a family of 7 and is survived by her son Travis (Kaylynn), her sister Lisa, Mary, and Carol, and is predeceased by her sister Linda (David)! Her loving brothers are Gregory (Jodi) and Jeffery (Mary). The highlight of her life were her grandchildren Karsyn, Jacob, Daxton, and Emerson!

Words cannot adequately sum her life up on one page, but she loved and served her husband, Michael, her family, all her nieces, nephews, neighbors, and church family! In short, she was a saint here on earth that loved deeply and passionately in all she put her hand to! She will be missed but not forgotten for all the lives that she touched!

We will be having a celebration of her life service on September 2nd at the Long Grove Church where all that wish can regale us all with the memories of their time with Karen and they enjoy a meal together! Come one and come all to this blessed time of love and memories!