
Obituaries » Joan Janis Dunlap (nee Frazier)

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Joan Janis Dunlap (nee Frazier)

July 19, 1941 - January 19, 2024

Obituary Viewed 59 times

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It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved grandmother, Joanne Dunlap, who left us peacefully. Granny Jo, as she was affectionately known, departed this world, leaving behind a legacy of warmth, generosity, and unwavering love.
Born to Howard and Ma Frazier, who preceded her in death, Joanne grew up nurtured by a loving family, which shaped her into the remarkable woman we cherished. Her life was further blessed by her marriage to Van Dunlap, who predeceased her, along with her step-children Diane and Randy, leaving a void that she filled with boundless love for her remaining family and friends.
A doting grandmother, Joanne’s greatest joy was the time she spent with her grandson Chad Encheff, his wonderful wife Veronica, and her six great grandchildren: Noah, Payton, Kailey, Faith, Elyiah, and Espen. Each moment shared with her great-grandchildren was treasured, as she imparted wisdom and instilled values that will endure through generations.
Joanne also found immense joy in the companionship of her little dog, Bella, who was a constant source of comfort and happiness. Her friendships with Valerie and Tom Lawhon, and Joan Waterman were a testament to her ability to touch lives and cultivate lasting bonds.
Special thanks are due to Dawn, who devotedly cared for Joanne in her final year, ensuring her days were filled with love and dignity.
Joanne was cremated according to her wishes and will be laid to rest at Sunset Memorial, where she will be reunited with her husband.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the local animal shelter, reflecting Joanne’s lifelong love for animals.
Her kindness, spirit, and love will forever be remembered by those who had the privilege to know her. We are comforted by the knowledge that her legacy will live on through her family and the countless lives she touched.