
Obituaries » Janet Arlene Burns (nee Young)

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Janet Arlene Burns (nee Young)

February 27, 1963 - September 15, 2023

Obituary Viewed 326 times

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Janet Arlene Burns, born Janet Arlene Young on February 27, 1963, in Chicago, peacefully passed away on September 15, 2023, at the age of 60 in Round Lake Beach, IL. She is survived by her loving husband, John Burns, and their children, Emma, Owen, and Rory Burns. Janet also leaves behind her beloved biological mother, Bonnie Kaysen, with whom she felt very lucky to meet and form a relationship with these past few years. Janet was preceded in death by her parents, Arlene and William Young.

Janet was an amazing mother, wife, friend and mensch. She was deeply passionate about community service and volunteered much of her time helping others and creating real, positive change. She held leadership roles in many organizations, including her beloved Unitarian Universalist church and 4-H. She had a profound love of animals and had many animal companions throughout her life.  Janet’s love for her friends and family was unmatched, and she was always there when you needed her.  Janet will be deeply missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. She left us way too soon.

Per Janet’s wishes, a memorial service will be held at The Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist church in McHenry, IL, on December 2nd at 2:00pm. A private reception will follow. We invite all who knew Janet to attend and share their fond memories and stories. Please feel free to bring copies of photos to the service as well. If you are unable to attend in person, the family will provide a Zoom option upon request.

In honor of Janet’s memory, contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society. If you wish to express sympathy, please consider making a donation at