
Obituaries » James Charles “Jamie” Fung

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James Charles “Jamie” Fung

August 3, 1960 - August 11, 2020

Obituary Viewed 2785 times

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James Charles “Jamie” Fung – died August 11, 2020, at his home in Ringwood, Illinois with his wife by his side. He was 60 years old.

Born August 3, 1960, in Woodstock Illinois, he was the loving son of James A. Fung and Dorothy M. (Luckey) Fung. Jamie graduated from Woodstock High school in 1978. He went on to pursue his life’s dream and studied law enforcement at the Illinois State Police Academy where he graduated to move into a position on the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department. He regarded his time with the police department as more rewarding and valuable than any prior or following occupation.

Anyone who knew Jamie, knew he was a baseball fan whose interests included all aspects of the sport. From childhood participation on a little league team, to coaching kids in his teenage years, and later his own children and grandson, the constant thread was his loyal support for his beloved Chicago Cubs.

Under the guidance of his great friend and mentor, Anthony Jaworski, Jamie also became involved in pigeon racing at a young age. The quiet patience and nurturing qualities required in breeding and raising the birds were characteristics he naturally possessed, making it a hobby tailor made for his personality. He went on to win awards for his efforts, and although eventually ending his involvement in the sport, the skills and knowledge he acquired remained with him throughout his life as a husband and father.

In 1982, Jamie married his high school sweetheart, Elaine Justen. Their son Colin was born a year later with daughter Lynnea arriving in 1988. They purchased their home in Ringwood Illinois the same year, beginning a lifelong bond with neighbors who became friends and grew into family. In 2010, Jamie was blessed with his first grandchild and formally renamed “Jack”. He was known as a level headed, wise, frugal, yet generous captain of the underdogs, whose dry sarcasm could always be relied upon to lighten the mood while providing logical solutions with an economy of words unique to his character, followed always by his trademark smirk.

Jamie is survived by his wife Elaine (Justen) Fung; children Colin (Michelle) Fung and Lynnea Fung; grandchildren Oliver and Gemma Fung. Also, by his father James A. Fung, sister Kelly (Brian) Shea, mother in law Norma Justen and brother in law Paul Justen; nephews Jacob (Carrie) Parker, Michael Justen, and Jamison Shea; nieces Nichola (Tom) Geraci and Molly Parker, and great nieces Emerson and Quinn. He remained close with his dearest friends Mike Buss and Jim Berg and cared for his most recent canine companion Leo. He was preceded in death by his mother Dorothy (Luckey) Fung, and his brother Dean Fung.

Throughout his year-long battle with lung cancer, Jamie was thankful for the merciful and kind care he received at the Northern Illinois Sage Cancer Center, with special recognition to Mary for her efficient and knowledgeable response in a time of urgency, and to Candi for her wit and appreciation for his dry sense of humor even in the most stressful of times.

In lieu of flowers, donations to offset medical bills can be made to the family directly or to
Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital Cancer Center:
McHenry Cancer Center Emergency Fund

James Fung Memorial

A celebration of his life will be held Sunday, August 23 from 1-5PM.

Location: Ortmann’s Red Iron Tavern
Address: 101 E. Church Street, Woodstock

* Casual Cubs attire preferred