
Obituaries » George Clement Faoro

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George Clement Faoro

March 5, 1940 - December 25, 2021

U.S. Veteran
Obituary Viewed 3038 times

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George C. Faoro, 81 years old, died peacefully at home on December 25, 2021 surrounded by family.

George is survived by his wife, Mary Faoro, his children Angie (Nathan) McLaughlin, Alyssa Faoro, Michele (William) Newby, Renee (John) Willer, and Gary (Stephanie) Wren, his grandchildren Brianna, Rebecca, Kaila, Christopher, Emma, Bethany, Holden, Daisy, Zion and Izzy, his sister Mary Tripiano, his sister-in-law Pearl Faoro, and many nieces and nephews.

George was a teacher at Grant High School in Fox Lake for nearly 40 years, where he also coached several athletic teams.  He found his niche as a basketball coach with Tom Maple, and that’s where he stayed for most of his tenure.

George taught with a passion to impart knowledge while having fun, which included a possible beating with a Nerf bat for any student who should peek at the keyboard.  He coached with (most times) a quiet, confident demeanor.

Whether in the classroom or the gym, he made sure the students were entertained while learning. The high school setting was truly where he flourished and was happiest.

George was also a Papa extraordinaire.  He made all his grandkids laugh with his puns and quick wit.  He was skilled at trivia and was prepared to be a contestant on Jeopardy.  He relieved the grandchildren of their leftover dinner or dessert, was a guardian of the biscotti cookie jar and king of the recliner.  From dance recitals to swim meets to soccer games, papa was a regular attendee at all the events.  In his free time, he enjoyed being an informal driver’s ed instructor for the grandchildren.  From taking a nap on his lap after a big meal all the way to buying their first drink, Papa George was always there for his grandkids.

He was loved by all who were fortunate enough to have known him.

A Celebration of Life open house will be held in George’s honor on January 15, 2022, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Jerry’s Parkway Banquets, located at 25212 W. Lake Shore Dr., Ingleside, IL  60041. A time of sharing will be held at 4:00 pm. Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cardinals, or Grant Bulldog sportswear or attire is encouraged!