
Obituaries » Arscele Turk Reimann (nee Layne)

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Arscele Turk Reimann (nee Layne)

August 1, 1921 - June 10, 2023

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Arscele (Layne) Turk-Reiman passed away peacefully in her sleep at 101 years of age June 10, 2023 at the Rolling Hills Senior Living Community where she had been a resident since September 2015.  She was born on August 1, 1921, in Hallidayboro, IL to parents Millie and Wiley Layne; the oldest of seven children,

she was preceded in death by her parents, sister Venita Bourland (Calvin deceased), brothers Adrian (Florence deceased) and Jackie (Mary deceased), three siblings who died in infancy, sister-in-law Alice Wilder and brother-in-law George Wilder.  She married William Turk in 1940 in Waukegan, IL and retired to Murphysboro, IL in 1976.  Following his death in 1985, she married Wayne D. Reiman of Murphysboro in 1987, where they resided until his death in 2015.

Arscele was a coal miner’s daughter who’s early life was shaped by the hardships of the Tri-State Tornado of 1925 and the Great Depression.  Those early experiences helped mold a strength of character and mettle that served her well throughout her life.  Despite the effects of those challenges, she had a sweet and kindhearted personality; she was energetic, hardworking, generous, optimistic,

and had the most captivating smile.  She was a wonderful wife, loving mother and grandmother, and loyal friend.  Arscele lived and practiced her Christian faith by mentoring  young women and friends, and was a longtime member of Immanuel Baptist Church in Waukegan, and later in life at Murdale Baptist Church in Carbondale.  From 2015, she was a faithful attendee at the Chain of Lakes Community Bible Church in Lake Villa, Illinois.  In the 1940’s, Arscele worked at Abbot Laboratories, North Chicago, IL, as a floor supervisor in pharmaceutical production; and also served as Co-Chairman on the War Bond Drive Committee.  In later life, she worked at Waukegan Community Unit School District 60, in the Accounting Department.

She is survived by two children, Roger Turk (Caron deceased) and Darlene Lambert (Jack deceased); five grandchildren; Heather Turk Lewandowski (Bob), William Turk (Sandra), Shannon Turk, Todd Lambert (Dave), Dawn Lambert Secketa (Scott); six-great-grandchildren, seven nieces, Sherrie Kramer Edmonson (Pat), Linda Layne deceased, Jeanne Sherman deceased (Jim deceased),  Lisa Layne Seccombe (Jeff), Marylin Wilder Peterson (Karl deceased), Carol Wilder deceased, Marcia Sporny (Dave); five nephews, Larry  Layne (Ellen), Dennis Bourland deceased (Paula), Jack Layne (deceased), Adam Layne (Kandra), Victor Layne deceased; four grandnieces, five grandnephews, four great-grandnieces, four great-grandnephews.

Also survived by three step-children, Steve Reiman (Martie), Mark Reiman (Marilyn deceased), Allen Reiman (Nancy), step-grandchildren, Janelle Reiman, Rachel Reiman Connor (Eric), Lori Reiman; Three step-great-grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Bernadine Reiman Schnaare deceased (Gene deceased), and Nevlyn Smith Reiman (Clifford deceased).