
Obituaries » Arlene Jacobson

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Arlene Jacobson

May 25, 1943 - November 17, 2023

Obituary Viewed 1155 times

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Arlene Jacobson, beloved wife of the late Richard Jacobson, loving mother of Susan Cherry (the late Frankie), Tim (Lisa) Kelly, and Tony (Silvia) Kelly, devoted grandmother of five, and great-grandmother of nine, passed away peacefully at the age of 80 on November 17, 2023.

Arlene was born in Chicago, IL on May 25, 1943, and was the daughter of the late Amelia and Henry Petrick. A deep connection to her roots was a defining aspect of her life, and being from Chicago held a special place in her heart.

For many years, Arlene was a familiar face who served as a dedicated waitress. Her spirited personality, evident in her saucy demeanor, endeared her to countless patrons, and created a bond that extended beyond the tables she attended.

Arlene loved to host large gatherings, and she tirelessly worked to plan and organize numerous events that brought the community and family together.  From overflowing hayrides to annual pig roasts, joyous Easter egg hunts to Christmas open houses (where her famous kolacky were shared), Arlene’s attention to detail and hosting proficiency turned numerous gatherings into cherished memories for all who attended.

As a devoted family woman, Arlene’s love knew no bounds.  She created a home filled with unconditional love, unwavering support, and the aroma of black coffee at all hours of the day.  Arlene cared deeply for her family and did whatever she could to support them when invited to do so.  Her life journey was not without its challenges, but she faced them with a determination of strength that fostered unyielding resilience that defined her character.

Arlene leaves behind a legacy of love that will be carried on by her devoted family members. Her memory will be honored and celebrated in a private family gathering, where stories of her adventures, laughter, and love will be shared.